Sharon Katz & The Peace Train
South African
The multicultural South African band of Sharon Katz & The Peace Train helped Nelson Mandela end Apartheid and continue spreading their message of peace and reconciliation through music all around the world. Honoring South Africa’s 25th Anniversary, The Peace Train:Transcending Barriers tour features concerts, film screenings and workshops across Africa, Mexico, Cuba and the United States in 2019-2020.
Their pulsating rhythms, rich harmonies, guitar-driven melodies, spine- tingling dances, funky bass lines, intricate drum patterns, and compelling lyrics tell of the social justice challenges worldwide – while also getting the dance party going!
The versatile group of musicians, singers, dancers and workshop leaders entertain, educate and inspire audiences of all ages and sizes. Melodies from South Africa’s diverse cultures, including Maskanda, Kwasa-Kwasa and Mbaqanga, are fused with rock, folk and funk to tell South Africa’s story – past and present – through music and dance.
Visit Sharon Katz & The Peace Train’s website, listen to their music online, and watch them perform below.